I'm thinking about writing a book about philosophy, poker, and life. I think I have a lot to offer the world in two out of three of those catagories. Now of course, when I say i'm thinking about writing a book I mean what all people who will never write a book mean when they utter those words. I want to write a book. But it will probably never happen.
Today I looked at the mirror wall of my uncle and aunt's exercise room and saw The heaviest form of Trevor ever to have stared back at a Trevor. Most people see something like this at least twice in their life and are struck by some sense of urgency or some lingering feeling of self doubt or disgust. I've never weighed over 180 in my life and I'm 6'1" so this is well within my healthy range, yet I know that I'm not in the best shape of my life and the fluctuations in the past year have not been fluctuation from norm to healthy but rather beer gut to norm. However, I fail to feel the aforementioned emotions probably because I don't yet have reason to test my limits of physical ability in Arlington, nor have I been unfortunate in the female department (if anything I've been blessed thus far in DC). My personality isn't affected by my fluctuation, and a poker player doesn't really need to be a health nut.
That being said I'm taking steps to get my fluctuations back on the better side of things. I've come to realize that I'm in my prime years here... we don't get these back, and If we aren't pushing ourselves to be our best now, we may never achieve our highest potential. This is true in poker too. I'm grinding out a profit (lol well...not lately), but not nearly at the rate i would like. I think I've spent more time getting better at the "poker lifestyle" hookers + blow (j/k mom) than I have getting better at poker. So i'm hitting the coaching vids again, hard. I plan to watch one a day for next month and treating it as a class, taking notes, reviewing my sessions etc. We'll see if it has an effect on my winrate, and if not I'm content with the way things are right now. I am of the opinion that the difference between the best poker players in the world and kevin chad scott and me is when they started playing online seriously, and when we started seriously playing. In two years, if poker is still my job, I expect to be well known. If I'm not on the brink of being set for life I will be extremely dissapointed. This goes for my worldly vessel as well. If i'm not in the best shape of my life for these next two years, i will be extremely dissapointed.
I'm still in chicago, fresh off an hour of running biking and stair steppin. Things are going well here, My cuz's b/f is over, he seems harmless enough, but they've been dating for like 1.5 years or something and she's 15...WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF! 15 years old lets see...where was I...oh yes deathly affraid of women...thanks cooties (sp?) She's a little too grown up for my liking, and a little too bossy/acrid in tone. I fear she may have lost some youth somewhere along the way. She still makes me smile with her brute intelligence though, It's refreshing to be around someone who just GETS THINGS like super fast. It makes teaching so easy. I mean, I could prolly teach her everything I've ever known in 5 days and she'd retain like 95% of it. Colin is the exact opposite! He's gullible, he likes puns and cracks jokes that just KILL ME! He loves Frasier, and has already found the love of his life in photography and has unbelievable skill at it. He whistles constantly. He laughs all the time and is filled with youthful exuberence.
I feel like its a classic dichotemy, Narcissus and Goldmund. One a master of the studies and knowledge the other a possessor of worldly experience and a love of life.
Time to decide what to do for dinner now!
And try and figure out where you are on that sliding scale.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Oh for god's sake
Last night i lost 3 buy-ins to a porn star on Full Tilt. Her name was "imreallyfamous" and I asked her why, she said she was known for films in some parts. I asked what kind of films, she proceeds to stack me thusly,
***** Hand History for Game 10330906961 *****
Seat 1 is the buttonSeat 1: GingerGoddess ( $274.00 USD )
Seat 2: imreallyfamous ( $148.25 USD )
GingerGoddess posts small blind [$1.00 USD].
imreallyfamous posts big blind [$2.00 USD].
** Dealing down cards
**Dealt to GingerGoddess [ 5d 4c ]
GingerGoddess raises [$5.00 USD]
imreallyfamous calls [$4.00 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Kd, 4h, Ac ]
imreallyfamous bets [$12.00 USD]
GingerGoddess calls [$12.00 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 5c ]
imreallyfamous checks
GingerGoddess bets
[$21.00 USD]imreallyfamous calls
[$21.00 USD]
** Dealing River **
[ 6d ]imreallyfamous checks
GingerGoddess bets [$40.00 USD]
imreallyfamous raises [$80.00 USD]
GingerGoddess calls [$40.00 USD]
imreallyfamous shows [6h, Ks ]
imreallyfamous wins $237.50 USD from main potGingerGoddess doesn't show [5d, 4c ]
Boy that 6 on the river was a pretty hardcore suck out :). But i digress... ADULT FILM she says (not all in caps, but it might as well have been) So anywaay I asked her how she became a porn star and if the money was good... to which she replied acting school in NYC and then moved to LA and needed money. Plausible enough. She also said she was contracted with Anabolic, a porn company...news to me (he he gulp). So then I asked her if shooting movies was fun or whether it was all work and no play (foreplay count?)
To which she replied it depends on who you're working with.
Who's your favorite to work with?
WOW she says...hmmm prolly Lex.
Lex Steele? I ask...prolly laying my hand face up on the table that i'm not as nieve as I originally thought.
YES she said.
Y do you like working with him?
and I qoute "His intellect!"......
To which I say...WHAAAAAAAT!?
Is that what you kids are calling it these days?
Lol she says and then proceeds to stack me again...thusly!
***** Hand History for Game 10331108642 *****
Dealt to GingerGoddess [ 7d 7h ]
imreallyfamous calls [$1.00 USD]
GingerGoddess raises [$5.00 USD]
imreallyfamous raises [$19.00 USD]
GingerGoddess raises [$45.00 USD]
imreallyfamous raises [$256.95 USD]
GingerGoddess calls [$170.30 USD]
imreallyfamous shows [Tc, Td ]
GingerGoddess shows [7d, 7h ]
imreallyfamous wins $55.65 USD
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8d, 4c, 4h ]** Dealing Turn ** [ 9d ]** Dealing River ** [ Ts ]
imreallyfamous wins $444.10 USD from main pot
So at this point...I know two things, she is definitely a porn star, and I definitely suck at poker. I know these things because she actually thought for a long time before calling down with 10's, a pretty standard play for a real poker player like me. But! A porn star would hesitate because she's seen a lot of Pocket rockets in her life, and knows the dangers of running into them repeatedly. I also know that I suck at poker, as I have lost about 4k in the past 5 days....to pornstars and donkeys.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I'm in Chicago with the most affectionate cat in the world "COSMO". Love him to death already but there's really no reason to sit on my face when i'm sleeping :/
Tonight is pizza night (or so i'm told by my cousins lol trevor=gullible). The flight was awesome, i must say that United's big planes are straight sick in business class. Walking through them to my coach seat was a bit like walking through the indoor showroom at a car dealership out to the used lot where ur "newsed" car sits.
So the world has turned me into a hitch hiker in a hailstorm on a deserted Nebraska road, can't get a ride, can't run and hide, can't make it stop. Just keep chanting, OHMMMMMMMMMM...
for I am the zen masta, for now
gl all
***** Hand History for Game 10330906961 *****
Seat 1 is the buttonSeat 1: GingerGoddess ( $274.00 USD )
Seat 2: imreallyfamous ( $148.25 USD )
GingerGoddess posts small blind [$1.00 USD].
imreallyfamous posts big blind [$2.00 USD].
** Dealing down cards
**Dealt to GingerGoddess [ 5d 4c ]
GingerGoddess raises [$5.00 USD]
imreallyfamous calls [$4.00 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Kd, 4h, Ac ]
imreallyfamous bets [$12.00 USD]
GingerGoddess calls [$12.00 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 5c ]
imreallyfamous checks
GingerGoddess bets
[$21.00 USD]imreallyfamous calls
[$21.00 USD]
** Dealing River **
[ 6d ]imreallyfamous checks
GingerGoddess bets [$40.00 USD]
imreallyfamous raises [$80.00 USD]
GingerGoddess calls [$40.00 USD]
imreallyfamous shows [6h, Ks ]
imreallyfamous wins $237.50 USD from main potGingerGoddess doesn't show [5d, 4c ]
Boy that 6 on the river was a pretty hardcore suck out :). But i digress... ADULT FILM she says (not all in caps, but it might as well have been) So anywaay I asked her how she became a porn star and if the money was good... to which she replied acting school in NYC and then moved to LA and needed money. Plausible enough. She also said she was contracted with Anabolic, a porn company...news to me (he he gulp). So then I asked her if shooting movies was fun or whether it was all work and no play (foreplay count?)
To which she replied it depends on who you're working with.
Who's your favorite to work with?
WOW she says...hmmm prolly Lex.
Lex Steele? I ask...prolly laying my hand face up on the table that i'm not as nieve as I originally thought.
YES she said.
Y do you like working with him?
and I qoute "His intellect!"......
To which I say...WHAAAAAAAT!?
Is that what you kids are calling it these days?
Lol she says and then proceeds to stack me again...thusly!
***** Hand History for Game 10331108642 *****
Dealt to GingerGoddess [ 7d 7h ]
imreallyfamous calls [$1.00 USD]
GingerGoddess raises [$5.00 USD]
imreallyfamous raises [$19.00 USD]
GingerGoddess raises [$45.00 USD]
imreallyfamous raises [$256.95 USD]
GingerGoddess calls [$170.30 USD]
imreallyfamous shows [Tc, Td ]
GingerGoddess shows [7d, 7h ]
imreallyfamous wins $55.65 USD
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8d, 4c, 4h ]** Dealing Turn ** [ 9d ]** Dealing River ** [ Ts ]
imreallyfamous wins $444.10 USD from main pot
So at this point...I know two things, she is definitely a porn star, and I definitely suck at poker. I know these things because she actually thought for a long time before calling down with 10's, a pretty standard play for a real poker player like me. But! A porn star would hesitate because she's seen a lot of Pocket rockets in her life, and knows the dangers of running into them repeatedly. I also know that I suck at poker, as I have lost about 4k in the past 5 days....to pornstars and donkeys.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I'm in Chicago with the most affectionate cat in the world "COSMO". Love him to death already but there's really no reason to sit on my face when i'm sleeping :/
Tonight is pizza night (or so i'm told by my cousins lol trevor=gullible). The flight was awesome, i must say that United's big planes are straight sick in business class. Walking through them to my coach seat was a bit like walking through the indoor showroom at a car dealership out to the used lot where ur "newsed" car sits.
So the world has turned me into a hitch hiker in a hailstorm on a deserted Nebraska road, can't get a ride, can't run and hide, can't make it stop. Just keep chanting, OHMMMMMMMMMM...
for I am the zen masta, for now
gl all
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Getting tired of HAVING to be a zen master about poker...when will this slump turn around. The 4 leaf clovers are coming along nicely in my window sill perhaps they will bring me luck.
Unnnnnnnnnnfortunately, I'm headed to chicago for a week or so, so they'll prolly die :( that can't be good for my fortunes can it!!!! GULP.
Soooo peacock when u read this water my clovers!!! or i'll put some hoodoo voodoo hex on you!
Went to see slumdog millionaire tonight with a good friend whose name is too unique to put online. It was AMAAAZING!!! Definitly worth every penny.
Chicago...brace yourself.
Unnnnnnnnnnfortunately, I'm headed to chicago for a week or so, so they'll prolly die :( that can't be good for my fortunes can it!!!! GULP.
Soooo peacock when u read this water my clovers!!! or i'll put some hoodoo voodoo hex on you!
Went to see slumdog millionaire tonight with a good friend whose name is too unique to put online. It was AMAAAZING!!! Definitly worth every penny.
Chicago...brace yourself.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Zen Master
So poker has been a bit rough lately, i'm about 1k under expectation the past 3 days, which hasn't been fun. It's okay though, cause I got Rock Band 2 and can just jam out to Modest Mouse's "Float On" when things aren't going my way at the tables. I'm proud of myself for taking this downswing well, because in the past this may have affected my daily mood.
In other news, tonight was the first normal night in a while, as on monday we went to the Wizards v. Suns game, and as anyone who is a true wiz fan knows, its only possible to enjoy them somewhere in the realm of this: tipsy <-- wiz game enjoyable--->blackout. They once again kept it intersting until the 4th quarter when they showed their true colors and lost huge. However, all was not lost, as Myself, Eric and Dave had prop bets throughout the game which provided much entertainment (and mooolah to me :).
Then we went to Fuddruckers, home of the 1lb burger...and I don't shy from a challenge. The consumption of the burger was completed, but not without sacrifice as my love handles grew 3 sizes that day. I couldn't sleep that night despite my serious case of the "itis" (a term used in the tower to describe a food coma). It was awful...i was drowsy...tipsy...and completely incapable of sleeping for no apparent reason.
I also took care of a nagging credit card problem (i misplaced it at some juncture of a night out with scotty and the wv crew). While i was at the bank cancelling my life support, I couldn't help but notice the striking beauty of my bank teller. She was latina and wore a pair of glasses that seemed a part of her since birth. You ever see facial accessories like that, just so much a part of some beautiful person's character that you wouldn't want to imagine them without said item? Anyway, I began to wonder what kind of person I would have to be to get a date with this goddess of BBT. She already knew my bank account balance, and I doubt she's believe that i have 30k on stars (what's stars? she would ask) or that poker playing is a real profession or that I was anything other than a kid fresh out of college with little more than a pittance and a pension for losing important things. Its funny to think about the people we'll never have a chance with because they just know too much or the wrong things or perhaps the truth... So i grabbed a sucker and bid my muse farewell and Floated On...
Going to see slum dog tomorrow...
got my weight lifting bench its beauuuutiful and will certainly motivate me to get in the best shape of my life so i can crush this 5 min mile!
Best wishes all,
and to all a good night...'s sleep
In other news, tonight was the first normal night in a while, as on monday we went to the Wizards v. Suns game, and as anyone who is a true wiz fan knows, its only possible to enjoy them somewhere in the realm of this: tipsy <-- wiz game enjoyable--->blackout. They once again kept it intersting until the 4th quarter when they showed their true colors and lost huge. However, all was not lost, as Myself, Eric and Dave had prop bets throughout the game which provided much entertainment (and mooolah to me :).
Then we went to Fuddruckers, home of the 1lb burger...and I don't shy from a challenge. The consumption of the burger was completed, but not without sacrifice as my love handles grew 3 sizes that day. I couldn't sleep that night despite my serious case of the "itis" (a term used in the tower to describe a food coma). It was awful...i was drowsy...tipsy...and completely incapable of sleeping for no apparent reason.
I also took care of a nagging credit card problem (i misplaced it at some juncture of a night out with scotty and the wv crew). While i was at the bank cancelling my life support, I couldn't help but notice the striking beauty of my bank teller. She was latina and wore a pair of glasses that seemed a part of her since birth. You ever see facial accessories like that, just so much a part of some beautiful person's character that you wouldn't want to imagine them without said item? Anyway, I began to wonder what kind of person I would have to be to get a date with this goddess of BBT. She already knew my bank account balance, and I doubt she's believe that i have 30k on stars (what's stars? she would ask) or that poker playing is a real profession or that I was anything other than a kid fresh out of college with little more than a pittance and a pension for losing important things. Its funny to think about the people we'll never have a chance with because they just know too much or the wrong things or perhaps the truth... So i grabbed a sucker and bid my muse farewell and Floated On...
Going to see slum dog tomorrow...
got my weight lifting bench its beauuuutiful and will certainly motivate me to get in the best shape of my life so i can crush this 5 min mile!
Best wishes all,
and to all a good night...'s sleep
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Wild Weekend
Ok lets see....where to begin, where to begin. I guess its pertinent to start with WVU's Men's basketball team laying a drubbing on georgetown, the game was great and remained close till the end of the second half when WV's outside shooting and lock em down D took over. Had a beer or two but Verizon center doesn't let alcohol get served after the first half of college games...to curb drunk driving (what a weird expression when it would be my preference to keep drunk drivers from driving ON the curb but w/e). A friend of mine from highschool came out that I hadn't seen in FOREVER, and he is always a blast to drink with as his mouth loses its filter with anyone and everyone. We went to an irish bar, me and the motown crew; it was just like old times, times I miss alot.
Scotty's girl came out as well and immediately proved my theory that women (particularly hott women as courtney is) are just better at the bar than men. Within nanoseconds of hitting the mass of people at the entry of the bar she did her best Nightcrawler impression and snagged 6 beers a mixed drink and a spot in the room with a lil space to breath. As if that wasn't enough, within minutes she had our group of six comfortably seated at a table in this chill back area of the restaurant...INSANE! So kudos hott women everywhere...as if things weren't easy enough for you already.
Bottom line is, the night ended without me knowing when, where, or how (but not who thankfully)! The next night would bring Tom and Eric up from Cville to hang out at a crusty rusty pole reunion. It was another night to be remembered more for the great people in it than the new people or exciting happenings. I did possibly land some live poker action. Herbie a local donkament player challenged me to a heads up match for 1k 300bb's deep (retardedly deep). I guess blinds would be like $1.666/ 3.333 (just more proof that herbie has no idea how to play hu) lol. I shouldn't underestimate him tho as he has won a LARGE full ring tournament on UB!!!
Those are not results to be laughed at...
The best thing that happened that night was me not getting trashed AND finding out that Union Jack's has potential as a walking distance bar/ dance club on weekends (place is a dive during the week). So YAY!
Then there was last night, just wow...my liver is going to mutiny. Whitlow's despite Rimi's best efforts to get me to Adam's Morgan (something that I still haven't wrapped my head around as her friends and I rarely hang out...but I'd like to! so its sad i didn't get to go as they're a chill group of girls). Whitlow's waaaas awesome. The tower (our current residence) crew went out with the additions of Zoey and Xtina. Great cover band, ahole bouncers and a solid back bar with the biggest stoner tender of all time. If bars had "trophy tenders" this guy would have been it, he waaas useless with a tendency to overpoor the liquor and forget the mixer alltogether (an owners nightmare). But GOGOGOGO for me!
Everyone's in bed and I think now is the time to unlock EVERLONG so i'll cut this post short....oh god...its not short at all! SORRY!
Scotty's girl came out as well and immediately proved my theory that women (particularly hott women as courtney is) are just better at the bar than men. Within nanoseconds of hitting the mass of people at the entry of the bar she did her best Nightcrawler impression and snagged 6 beers a mixed drink and a spot in the room with a lil space to breath. As if that wasn't enough, within minutes she had our group of six comfortably seated at a table in this chill back area of the restaurant...INSANE! So kudos hott women everywhere...as if things weren't easy enough for you already.
Bottom line is, the night ended without me knowing when, where, or how (but not who thankfully)! The next night would bring Tom and Eric up from Cville to hang out at a crusty rusty pole reunion. It was another night to be remembered more for the great people in it than the new people or exciting happenings. I did possibly land some live poker action. Herbie a local donkament player challenged me to a heads up match for 1k 300bb's deep (retardedly deep). I guess blinds would be like $1.666/ 3.333 (just more proof that herbie has no idea how to play hu) lol. I shouldn't underestimate him tho as he has won a LARGE full ring tournament on UB!!!
Those are not results to be laughed at...
The best thing that happened that night was me not getting trashed AND finding out that Union Jack's has potential as a walking distance bar/ dance club on weekends (place is a dive during the week). So YAY!
Then there was last night, just wow...my liver is going to mutiny. Whitlow's despite Rimi's best efforts to get me to Adam's Morgan (something that I still haven't wrapped my head around as her friends and I rarely hang out...but I'd like to! so its sad i didn't get to go as they're a chill group of girls). Whitlow's waaaas awesome. The tower (our current residence) crew went out with the additions of Zoey and Xtina. Great cover band, ahole bouncers and a solid back bar with the biggest stoner tender of all time. If bars had "trophy tenders" this guy would have been it, he waaas useless with a tendency to overpoor the liquor and forget the mixer alltogether (an owners nightmare). But GOGOGOGO for me!
Everyone's in bed and I think now is the time to unlock EVERLONG so i'll cut this post short....oh god...its not short at all! SORRY!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Things to do today:
Buy Bowflex weight set off ebay
Make 1k
Get 1000 ftps
Watch WVU take on Gtown
Bar hop with tha best of the best
Not blackout!!!!
I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow!!!
Buy Bowflex weight set off ebay
Make 1k
Get 1000 ftps
Watch WVU take on Gtown
Bar hop with tha best of the best
Not blackout!!!!
I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow!!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Beware, you might actually learn something about me!
warning: philosophy upcoming
In life there are many viewpoints on whether or not we control our actions and given the consequences of such beliefs, how to "act" accordingly. I've been described as sort of a wandering soul and have many friends that I would describe as OCD, frenetic, depressed, and a multitued of other emotional lenses through which they live in and view the world. I for one believe the world is determined and that we do not "act" on our surroundings, we cannot "control" what happens to us in any way shape or form. I'll lay out my argument for this belief below, but for those of you who are not philosophy addicts like myself, hopefully you can understand me a little bit deeper by just comprehending the lense through which i see the world. I guess i'll start with an anecdote from last night...
So my friend Liz was leaving town and asked me (rather coerced an offer :P) for a ride to union station in central DC. Now, I didn't particularly want to do this as I had images of monsterous traffic jams and road closings from the inauguration traffic. I called my roommate Peacock to see if roads were closed etc. and he assured me they weren't described as such online and that it would take 20 minutes. This, however, isn't my first horse and pony show, and I know what i'm in for but acquiesce anyway because I know she would do the same for me in a heartbeat. Naturally we hit a log jam that any beaver would've been proud to call his own. So I become frustrated. Frustrated is not how i live my life, anyone who knows me will tell you that I'm a happy go lucky person 90% of the time, and the other 10% i'm just being a gadfly to correct behavior i find repulsive. Why not be 100% happy or 100% depressed or 100% some other emotion if you believe the world is determined and you can control nothing? The reason for my 10% of douchebaggery comes from the uncertainty of the future and the causal efficacy of said Dbaggery. Thus, when I get stuck in traffic I become annoyed not because of the situation i'm currently in, but because of an uncertain future in which similar situations might occur and my opinion won't be regarded as correct. In other words, I become a "tool" as a tool to producing positive outcomes in the future. Some might find this to be some sort of "control" mechanism, but I assure you it isn't, for my Dbaggery is determined by my upbringing, environment, and heredity.
Poker for a hard determinist is a tough tough test of the dogma. At times it seems the entire world is against you making money, and at times one can do no wrong. Some players embrace the lucky streaks, some spit and curse and punch holes in their wall when they are "swonging". I believe that the best players, and the best liver's of life maintain a certain bemused detatchment from the world. I like to believe this is how I live my life, as the happy observer and occasional gadfly stinging people into a healthier lifestyle.
An interesting side topic of this belief is the efficacy of lies... but that's another post for another day.
In other news, 500 dollar day yesterday
I slept in my bed last night!!!!! AND IT WAS DOWNRIGHT SEXY!
I need to go run now, so peace and happy observing!
warning: philosophy upcoming
In life there are many viewpoints on whether or not we control our actions and given the consequences of such beliefs, how to "act" accordingly. I've been described as sort of a wandering soul and have many friends that I would describe as OCD, frenetic, depressed, and a multitued of other emotional lenses through which they live in and view the world. I for one believe the world is determined and that we do not "act" on our surroundings, we cannot "control" what happens to us in any way shape or form. I'll lay out my argument for this belief below, but for those of you who are not philosophy addicts like myself, hopefully you can understand me a little bit deeper by just comprehending the lense through which i see the world. I guess i'll start with an anecdote from last night...
So my friend Liz was leaving town and asked me (rather coerced an offer :P) for a ride to union station in central DC. Now, I didn't particularly want to do this as I had images of monsterous traffic jams and road closings from the inauguration traffic. I called my roommate Peacock to see if roads were closed etc. and he assured me they weren't described as such online and that it would take 20 minutes. This, however, isn't my first horse and pony show, and I know what i'm in for but acquiesce anyway because I know she would do the same for me in a heartbeat. Naturally we hit a log jam that any beaver would've been proud to call his own. So I become frustrated. Frustrated is not how i live my life, anyone who knows me will tell you that I'm a happy go lucky person 90% of the time, and the other 10% i'm just being a gadfly to correct behavior i find repulsive. Why not be 100% happy or 100% depressed or 100% some other emotion if you believe the world is determined and you can control nothing? The reason for my 10% of douchebaggery comes from the uncertainty of the future and the causal efficacy of said Dbaggery. Thus, when I get stuck in traffic I become annoyed not because of the situation i'm currently in, but because of an uncertain future in which similar situations might occur and my opinion won't be regarded as correct. In other words, I become a "tool" as a tool to producing positive outcomes in the future. Some might find this to be some sort of "control" mechanism, but I assure you it isn't, for my Dbaggery is determined by my upbringing, environment, and heredity.
Poker for a hard determinist is a tough tough test of the dogma. At times it seems the entire world is against you making money, and at times one can do no wrong. Some players embrace the lucky streaks, some spit and curse and punch holes in their wall when they are "swonging". I believe that the best players, and the best liver's of life maintain a certain bemused detatchment from the world. I like to believe this is how I live my life, as the happy observer and occasional gadfly stinging people into a healthier lifestyle.
An interesting side topic of this belief is the efficacy of lies... but that's another post for another day.
In other news, 500 dollar day yesterday
I slept in my bed last night!!!!! AND IT WAS DOWNRIGHT SEXY!
I need to go run now, so peace and happy observing!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The best steak ever!
Okay so I know i've said this a number of times in my life and meant it very few, but last night was quite possibly the best steak i've ever had. The culprit was a 28 oz ribeye from Ray's The steak, cooked rare to perfection. Couple this with a delicious Pinot Noir from heaven and you have yourself the best 50 dollar meal money can buy. The company was spectacular as usual and conversation ranged from who had the most "street cred" (the fact that I used quotations can't help my cause) to etiquette in credit card roullette when someone runs as bad as Dan Etter (seriously if you can get in a game with this guy he is a total fish). The only problem was the service, which sucked, as advertised. The steaks almost made you forget that the real cattle in the restaurant are the patrons. The guy got orders wrong twice and the no res policy is disgusting. I guess if I had to describe them via analogy, they'd be the steak Nazi's...you feel violated, but steak makes excellent therapy.
On the subject of sleep, I have nothing to say as I haven't experienced it lately. In the imortal words of Rick James... "F#$% your COUCH!" My living room is where I've been sleeping as of late due to my mother's presence for the inauguration, and my living room might as well be the New Age tunnel at Ohare airport. People are parading through it throughout the night at all hours waking me up...here's a brief recap of life on a couch.
12am: make first lame attempts at sleep...small house party prevents any REM here.
1am: Achieve rapid eye movement, unfortunately it's only the up and down motion one associates with being jumped on by...and i quote, "A hott girl". As if in my groggy state it makes a difference what's breaking my back.
1:15am: house party disperses to the bars, but not before they poke and prod me from my slumber to give them goodbye hugs.
2:30am: fast asleep finally...oh no...what's this?? the Harem of girls has returned from the disco sharing stories of dancing with what could only be described later as the text happy wookie of a man. But don't worry Liz, he was hot...he was hot.
3 am : still awake to see of harem goodbye hugs never hurt so good.
3:05 am: Staring into space listening to my roommates death rattles as the house has come down with Dengue fever and can't stop caughing...thank you scott.
7 am: Wake to find mother and friend heading to dc for inauguration tix etc. As i roll over I see drunk girl who'd jumped on back earlier on the couch opposite me, much to my dismay her setup looks far superior to mine! jfksl;adsjfkl;asdj
8 am: finally...to bed...my bed. Serenity now! Serenity now!
On the subject of sleep, I have nothing to say as I haven't experienced it lately. In the imortal words of Rick James... "F#$% your COUCH!" My living room is where I've been sleeping as of late due to my mother's presence for the inauguration, and my living room might as well be the New Age tunnel at Ohare airport. People are parading through it throughout the night at all hours waking me up...here's a brief recap of life on a couch.
12am: make first lame attempts at sleep...small house party prevents any REM here.
1am: Achieve rapid eye movement, unfortunately it's only the up and down motion one associates with being jumped on by...and i quote, "A hott girl". As if in my groggy state it makes a difference what's breaking my back.
1:15am: house party disperses to the bars, but not before they poke and prod me from my slumber to give them goodbye hugs.
2:30am: fast asleep finally...oh no...what's this?? the Harem of girls has returned from the disco sharing stories of dancing with what could only be described later as the text happy wookie of a man. But don't worry Liz, he was hot...he was hot.
3 am : still awake to see of harem goodbye hugs never hurt so good.
3:05 am: Staring into space listening to my roommates death rattles as the house has come down with Dengue fever and can't stop caughing...thank you scott.
7 am: Wake to find mother and friend heading to dc for inauguration tix etc. As i roll over I see drunk girl who'd jumped on back earlier on the couch opposite me, much to my dismay her setup looks far superior to mine! jfksl;adsjfkl;asdj
8 am: finally...to bed...my bed. Serenity now! Serenity now!

Here's the graph of jan. 20th...
Monday, January 19, 2009
Another bad day at the office...
Down 400 today and 2k on the week...guess i can't run like god forever :/
feel like i'm playing well though, the setups are just fairly sick. Add that to the fact that i was suppppoooosed to win 300 today but instead ended up down means we got ourselves a serious cold streak.
BUT! Tonight is steak night which means we're going out to a fancy italian restaurant with a friend in from NYC for inauguration...good times will be had i'm sure. I'm still slightly sick though which has made the whirlwind of activity a tad too much for my system to handle. This culminated in a fever this morning and a certain iritability that fortunately noone but the poker donks were around to experience.
More than anything I need routine, I need some sort of schedule, some semblance of order in my life. It seems like my life in Arlington is like riding in the side car of an indiana jones driven motorcycle. Yeah, cool stuff is happening...but this can't be healthy.
Things to get: Bowflex weight set, membership at a jui jitsu class or aikido or something to get me off the couch, start excercising regularly.
Next weekend the poker brats of WV come in to chill with me and scotty, i'm sure we'll paint the town and my need for sanity will not be quenched...but hey live fast, look beautiful, and die young.
feel like i'm playing well though, the setups are just fairly sick. Add that to the fact that i was suppppoooosed to win 300 today but instead ended up down means we got ourselves a serious cold streak.
BUT! Tonight is steak night which means we're going out to a fancy italian restaurant with a friend in from NYC for inauguration...good times will be had i'm sure. I'm still slightly sick though which has made the whirlwind of activity a tad too much for my system to handle. This culminated in a fever this morning and a certain iritability that fortunately noone but the poker donks were around to experience.
More than anything I need routine, I need some sort of schedule, some semblance of order in my life. It seems like my life in Arlington is like riding in the side car of an indiana jones driven motorcycle. Yeah, cool stuff is happening...but this can't be healthy.
Things to get: Bowflex weight set, membership at a jui jitsu class or aikido or something to get me off the couch, start excercising regularly.
Next weekend the poker brats of WV come in to chill with me and scotty, i'm sure we'll paint the town and my need for sanity will not be quenched...but hey live fast, look beautiful, and die young.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
I <3 Thai and good peoples
I loooove thai food! There's this awesome lil thai restaurant in the mall called I <3 Thai, and I heart it! I know most food critics prolly rail on the place but their chicken pad thai is marvelous. My mother comes in tomorrow...dunno how the roommates will react to that, but hopefully she'll bring a lil life into the house. Some of the roommates are in "slumps" and need to cheer up.
Trying not to play poker, hung over from a strange night with the Zaree army. I'll spare the details, but I get in some pretty weird spots with people i just met.
Trying not to play poker, hung over from a strange night with the Zaree army. I'll spare the details, but I get in some pretty weird spots with people i just met.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Its a good day to die...
Today I was a waste of life. I lost 5 buy ins (100 each) two two donks and spent the rest of the day trying to get it back. Spoiler alert: i got it back here are some highlights of the day...
***** Hand History for Game 10078088820 *****$100.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Friday, January 16, 04:57:42 ET 2009Table Lou (heads up) (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the buttonSeat 1: GingerGoddess ( $446.25 USD )
Seat 2: LDA80 ( $117.50 USD )
GingerGoddess posts small blind [$0.50 USD].
LDA80 posts big blind [$1.00 USD].
** Dealing down cards **Dealt to GingerGoddess [ Ah Kh ]
GingerGoddess raises [$2.50 USD]
LDA80 calls [$2.00 USD]
** Dealing Flop **
[ As, 4s, 9s ]
LDA80 checksGingerGoddess bets [$5.00 USD]
LDA80 raises [$21.00 USD]
GingerGoddess calls [$16.00 USD]
** Dealing Turn **
[ 3c ]LDA80 bets [$93.50 USD]
GingerGoddess calls [$93.50 USD]
LDA80 shows [Js, 5s ]
GingerGoddess shows [Ah, Kh ]
** Dealing River ** [ Ad ]
LDA80 wins $234.50 USD from main pot
not standard but what can i say i suck at poker.
No getting away from this one
***** Hand History for Game 10073701349 *****
$200.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Friday, January 16, 12:04:48 ET 2009
Table Hull (heads up) (Real Money)
Dealt to GingerGoddess [ Kh As ]
LUCKY7VIN raises [$5.00 USD]
GingerGoddess raises [$21.00 USD]
LUCKY7VIN calls [$17.00 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Jd, Jc, Ac ]
GingerGoddess checks
LUCKY7VIN checks
** Dealing Turn ** [ 9d ]
GingerGoddess bets [$18.00 USD]
LUCKY7VIN raises [$40.00 USD]
GingerGoddess calls [$22.00 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ 4h ]
GingerGoddess checks
LUCKY7VIN bets [$352.50 USD]
GingerGoddess calls [$142.50 USD]
LUCKY7VIN wins $210.00 USDLUCKY7VIN shows [9c, 9h ]LUCKY7VIN wins $410.50 USD from main potGingerGoddess doesn't show [Kh, As ]
villian berrates check check on flop...sigh whatever, metagame led to the call...eventually i get it all back.
anyway...it was a frustrating day at the tables, lets hope the weekend brings out the donks...
I need a 1k day like I need a check in the mail :) Have a good day all
Today I was a waste of life. I lost 5 buy ins (100 each) two two donks and spent the rest of the day trying to get it back. Spoiler alert: i got it back here are some highlights of the day...
***** Hand History for Game 10078088820 *****$100.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Friday, January 16, 04:57:42 ET 2009Table Lou (heads up) (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the buttonSeat 1: GingerGoddess ( $446.25 USD )
Seat 2: LDA80 ( $117.50 USD )
GingerGoddess posts small blind [$0.50 USD].
LDA80 posts big blind [$1.00 USD].
** Dealing down cards **Dealt to GingerGoddess [ Ah Kh ]
GingerGoddess raises [$2.50 USD]
LDA80 calls [$2.00 USD]
** Dealing Flop **
[ As, 4s, 9s ]
LDA80 checksGingerGoddess bets [$5.00 USD]
LDA80 raises [$21.00 USD]
GingerGoddess calls [$16.00 USD]
** Dealing Turn **
[ 3c ]LDA80 bets [$93.50 USD]
GingerGoddess calls [$93.50 USD]
LDA80 shows [Js, 5s ]
GingerGoddess shows [Ah, Kh ]
** Dealing River ** [ Ad ]
LDA80 wins $234.50 USD from main pot
not standard but what can i say i suck at poker.
No getting away from this one
***** Hand History for Game 10073701349 *****
$200.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Friday, January 16, 12:04:48 ET 2009
Table Hull (heads up) (Real Money)
Dealt to GingerGoddess [ Kh As ]
LUCKY7VIN raises [$5.00 USD]
GingerGoddess raises [$21.00 USD]
LUCKY7VIN calls [$17.00 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Jd, Jc, Ac ]
GingerGoddess checks
LUCKY7VIN checks
** Dealing Turn ** [ 9d ]
GingerGoddess bets [$18.00 USD]
LUCKY7VIN raises [$40.00 USD]
GingerGoddess calls [$22.00 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ 4h ]
GingerGoddess checks
LUCKY7VIN bets [$352.50 USD]
GingerGoddess calls [$142.50 USD]
LUCKY7VIN wins $210.00 USDLUCKY7VIN shows [9c, 9h ]LUCKY7VIN wins $410.50 USD from main potGingerGoddess doesn't show [Kh, As ]
villian berrates check check on flop...sigh whatever, metagame led to the call...eventually i get it all back.
anyway...it was a frustrating day at the tables, lets hope the weekend brings out the donks...
I need a 1k day like I need a check in the mail :) Have a good day all
Buzzed poker IS drunk poker,
last night was not the first time i turned a winning day into a losing one by playing poker after a few beers... i personally don't think i play worse buzzed, but i sure do run like trash. It's as if the poker gods can tell and punish me for my insubordinance.
Why was i drunk?
The usual, a home cooked meal from a roommate with a few friends over to enjoy it. Scallops wrapped in bacon... kinda like pigs in a blanket i guess, the combo made little sense to me but the taste wasn't bad at all and thanks to STEEEEEEVE i now know what a reduction sauce is...yummmm.
In other news, the inauguration is quickly approaching and Miss Geddes will be bringing her whirlwind of energy into town, so i'm sure i'll have something to write about in the future. My mom and her friend are also coming in, so this will be a chance to show off the new digs and just how great her son has it.
This does however bring me to one little annoying rant:
I feel like I have to prove myself to everyone about my chosen profession. In everyones' eyes but mine, its as if I went to UVA then became a garbage man or something. For example, I'm going to chicago at the end of the week to babysit my cousins and explore Obama's stomping grounds while my aunt and uncle fly to hawaii for a much needed vacation. My uncle sends me an email with all my flight information and at the end thanks me profusely, but warns that the only thing they don't want to see when they get back is their kids obsessed with poker. I mean WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF! The only reason i can even go to Chicago is because my job is mobile, lucrative, and gives me plenty of free time! Contrast that with My aunt's job as CFO of a major corporation which pays about twice as much as poker (for now...i'll prolly surpass her next year) and doesn't allow her to have but one vacation a year. Why would it be so horrible to have their kids have some sort of disposable income on the side throughout highschool, I know that I wish someone had told me about poker when i was in highschool so i could already be a millionaire. But whatever, I'm used to my job not getting respect so i'll keep picking up checks because I can, and spend hours explaining to the ones I love that what I do isn't gambling at all and I'll never lose it all in one drunken night of foolishness because I'm too god damn good at what I do to let that happen.
last night was not the first time i turned a winning day into a losing one by playing poker after a few beers... i personally don't think i play worse buzzed, but i sure do run like trash. It's as if the poker gods can tell and punish me for my insubordinance.
Why was i drunk?
The usual, a home cooked meal from a roommate with a few friends over to enjoy it. Scallops wrapped in bacon... kinda like pigs in a blanket i guess, the combo made little sense to me but the taste wasn't bad at all and thanks to STEEEEEEVE i now know what a reduction sauce is...yummmm.
In other news, the inauguration is quickly approaching and Miss Geddes will be bringing her whirlwind of energy into town, so i'm sure i'll have something to write about in the future. My mom and her friend are also coming in, so this will be a chance to show off the new digs and just how great her son has it.
This does however bring me to one little annoying rant:
I feel like I have to prove myself to everyone about my chosen profession. In everyones' eyes but mine, its as if I went to UVA then became a garbage man or something. For example, I'm going to chicago at the end of the week to babysit my cousins and explore Obama's stomping grounds while my aunt and uncle fly to hawaii for a much needed vacation. My uncle sends me an email with all my flight information and at the end thanks me profusely, but warns that the only thing they don't want to see when they get back is their kids obsessed with poker. I mean WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF! The only reason i can even go to Chicago is because my job is mobile, lucrative, and gives me plenty of free time! Contrast that with My aunt's job as CFO of a major corporation which pays about twice as much as poker (for now...i'll prolly surpass her next year) and doesn't allow her to have but one vacation a year. Why would it be so horrible to have their kids have some sort of disposable income on the side throughout highschool, I know that I wish someone had told me about poker when i was in highschool so i could already be a millionaire. But whatever, I'm used to my job not getting respect so i'll keep picking up checks because I can, and spend hours explaining to the ones I love that what I do isn't gambling at all and I'll never lose it all in one drunken night of foolishness because I'm too god damn good at what I do to let that happen.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
i've been robbed
I guess I'm not in Kansas anymore, Today I found my car robbed by quite possibly the worst robber ever. Begin rant:
1.) If you're going to break into a car steal the valuable stuff! This clever individual decided to steal my entire collection of techno CD's, rummaged through the center console but stole nothing, and perhaps stole a suitcase of clothes...dunno whether i packed it in the car or left it at home. What (s)he(s) didn't steal: A rare valuable painting in the back seat, a sound sub woofer and printer in the trunk, the cd case full of cd's on the passenger seat, the radio (not for lack of trying....tried to pry it off failing to realize there is a button to pop the thing out).
2.) I'm not mad...so much as i am affraid of what i don't yet know is gone. That's the part that bothers me, the not knowing.
3.) If your going to steal, sigh, why steal from someone with a broken down honda accord...i mean really, can't find a friggin beamer in arlington?!
Poker news: on a giant HEATER makin da monies hand over fist. Full tilt's software glitches can't even slow me down, today i'm up 500 making it around 5k the past 4 days. didn't put in too many hands, but got sooo much accomplished. Finally got my bed, finally got my house key, finally got my tv set up to be a monitor...goot times.
Last night was fun, Some friends and I went to Trivia at Union Jack's, the "partial" owner sat down with us at the end of the night after trivia, which was great cause he has a maaad crush on one of my friends. Needless to say when you mix smart people with alcohol and dumb people and smart questions....hilarity ensues. Whether it was jail stories from a creepin bar owner or "SEX AND BEEEEEEER" getting chanted by drunken/generous (bought 2 rounds for me just cause i knew the song!) frattastic donkeys. Thanks West Virginia upbringing for 2 free beers.
Still can't kick this plague that is afflicting me, that's all for the epic 2 yr illness that scott dumped on me.
Ran a 5:15 mile today...i wanna shave it under 5 and believe 4:30 is doable, we shall see tomorrow when i really push myself.
joke of the day: Trivia team name= "hermaphrodite barbie, comes in her own box" kids...don't repeat this don't repeat this.
1.) If you're going to break into a car steal the valuable stuff! This clever individual decided to steal my entire collection of techno CD's, rummaged through the center console but stole nothing, and perhaps stole a suitcase of clothes...dunno whether i packed it in the car or left it at home. What (s)he(s) didn't steal: A rare valuable painting in the back seat, a sound sub woofer and printer in the trunk, the cd case full of cd's on the passenger seat, the radio (not for lack of trying....tried to pry it off failing to realize there is a button to pop the thing out).
2.) I'm not mad...so much as i am affraid of what i don't yet know is gone. That's the part that bothers me, the not knowing.
3.) If your going to steal, sigh, why steal from someone with a broken down honda accord...i mean really, can't find a friggin beamer in arlington?!
Poker news: on a giant HEATER makin da monies hand over fist. Full tilt's software glitches can't even slow me down, today i'm up 500 making it around 5k the past 4 days. didn't put in too many hands, but got sooo much accomplished. Finally got my bed, finally got my house key, finally got my tv set up to be a monitor...goot times.
Last night was fun, Some friends and I went to Trivia at Union Jack's, the "partial" owner sat down with us at the end of the night after trivia, which was great cause he has a maaad crush on one of my friends. Needless to say when you mix smart people with alcohol and dumb people and smart questions....hilarity ensues. Whether it was jail stories from a creepin bar owner or "SEX AND BEEEEEEER" getting chanted by drunken/generous (bought 2 rounds for me just cause i knew the song!) frattastic donkeys. Thanks West Virginia upbringing for 2 free beers.
Still can't kick this plague that is afflicting me, that's all for the epic 2 yr illness that scott dumped on me.
Ran a 5:15 mile today...i wanna shave it under 5 and believe 4:30 is doable, we shall see tomorrow when i really push myself.
joke of the day: Trivia team name= "hermaphrodite barbie, comes in her own box" kids...don't repeat this don't repeat this.
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