Sunday, March 29, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I guess not Paris
Monday, March 23, 2009
The hardest 88 dollars I've ever earned

In other news, Kevin qualified for The WORLD SERIES MAAAAIN EVENT...the guy runs like god...if this graph to the left was yin...he would be the god damn yang. But congrats to him, I think he is going to play in it. I'm sure he will ship it...maybe give me a mill or two for always being at his side. I don't know if he knows it, but I've been channeling my good ju ju to him for months now. ;)
That's all for now,
Better luck at the tables, and I hope my rents got home safe!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
back to back 1k days

As for brackets, I'm in the lead of the house pool by 4 or 5 points (a sizable lead at this point) and my other bracket is in a respectable 3rd place, so all in all it looks good for me to ship that so long as either louisville or pitt or not unc wins the whole thing.
That's enough degenning it up though, and i'm off to play some GTA4. This video game simply must be made into a movie, the plot is just sick!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Just like wii
so the reason i'm posting is this:
announcer: AJ Abrhams is the all-time big 10 leader in 3 point percentage with a stunning 51% lifetime avg.
Trevor: WOW! 40% is sick 50% is unreal.
Dan: It's just like my wii bowling motion...once you groove it (makes waving motion), the game is easy.
I have a Mandate
Yesterday before the games Dan and I went shopping for his new look. Fashion has been a topic of conversation amongst my friends lately (more often than makes me comfortable)! I think, its important to seek out a look. This is not something everyone does, and I have a bunch of friends that are amorphis in this regard. That's all I have to say about that.
Went out last night to buffalo D's, now called some weird sports reference bar thingy...they did away with their hookah...which is retarded, but added shuffleboard...which is awesome! Met a cool girl named Nicole, who said things like "Who's left in the tournament? Is Maryland still in? Who else?" which I just answered....uuuuuh lots of teams! "Well time should fix that!"...uuuuuuh yes that is how it works. She was a PR consoltant with aspirations of owning her own business. I told her my job, and she called me Asian. Go figure.
Anywaaaays games coming on soon gotta run :)
run good in life
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Razz and all that jazz
Diana's mom had surgery a couple of days ago to have her eye removed (not by choice i assume). It got me to thinking about just how vain I am when it comes to my body. I'm like 90% sure I'd be depressed if I lost any part of it, sigh. so needless to say my thoughts are with her and on her speedy recovery. I need to call my grandmother as well :/ One can never do these types of things enough methinks. Yet I do it not nearly enough.
I'm gathering my thoughts for wedding speeches. If anyone has suggestions on what NOT to say about your brother during his wedding...please leave them in the comments. I plan to write something truly epic for his big day. Often times we don't talk for months, but I love the guy to death, and I think he's got life by the you know whats and is really living a beautiful authentic existence. I see so much of myself in him (thinly veiled brag), and I only hope I can find someone half as awesome as Ming.
Anywayz, Poker I am a crushing right now *knock on wood. Up 2 k the last few days so China is lookin to be even more fun!
gl at the tables everyone
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Zhuangzi was one of the foundation blocks of Daoism. He speaks of the Dao, or 'the way', at length in his book. The ironic part is that he is a firm believer that the Dao cannot be described using words, since words are a logical construct and thusly relativistic, whereas 'the way' is transcendent of relativism. He believes the way can only be reached through meditation, and the shutting down of the mind. To live the way, one must seal off what makes us human, and view the world through what he calls the vital breath. Then and only then can one cultivate the self.
It is interesting to me that there are entire religions devoted to getting outside of the human condition. It's an idea that seems futile, but shows so much promise. For example, when in your life are you completely incapable of thought? Go ahead and try to silence your thoughts right now...I double dog dare you. Can you do it? Didn't think so, There is at least one time in your life that a complete lack of thought occurs that I know of. Orgasm. This is for a purely chemical reason, your brain is flooded with endorphins and thought becomes impossible. AND IT FEELS GREAT! So if meditation can achieve a similar goal, I'm all for it :) The other times I hear people talk about being non-thinking is with athletes that are "in the zone". Often times you will here the best athletes say after a great performance, I don't know how I did that, I was just relaxed, or I was on another level today...etc. etc. We've all been there hopefully, with something that we do. Anyways, that's enough about shutting off the brain, back to Zhuangzi.
I think Zhuangzi is certainly on to something with beauty being relative. However, it's interesting to note the advances mathmatics has made into the realm of beauty. For example, the golden ratio is 1:1.618 or some such number (too lazy to google). It is a ratio that appears throughout nature and is symbolic of beauty. Babies amongst all species have enlarged facial features. A trait that naturally draws an individual to care for it. Furthermore, symetry is a universally accepted (at a visceral level) form of beauty. Studies have been done proving that babies of many species will stare longer at symetrical faces than asymetrical ones. Morals have similar characteristics. For example, the incest taboo spreads across many species (granted not all). This argument certainly doesn't render Zhuangzi's arguments moot, but I do believe the above caviats should be considered when discussing whether knowledge is truly relative.
It has been said that Zhuangzi was the first Anarchist. This is because he believed in withdrawling from the social construct and focusing on individual cultivation. The world will govern itself without our help he would say. In a way, he is correct. Remember the immortal words of the joker, "introduce a little ANARCHY, upset the established ORDER, and everything becomes Chaos..."? Well it turns out, the entropy of an 'ungoverned body' is not without order. Entropy, afterall, occurs within a 'governed system' and can only do so much. For example, take my room. Messy as it seems, there is an order to it still. Clothes are on the floor, pillows on the bed, sheets on the mattress, all fixtures that left to the whims of entropy would remain (despite what my mom would say). I could walk in and out of my room, sleep on my bed, or dance around naked, and at the end of the day, the clothes would still be on the floor and not on the ceiling. In a governed system such as Earth, entropy moves things towards their position of least potential energy, not least order. The question is, is this order superior to the some other order. Zhuangzi does not answer this from what I've seen. He mocks the efforts of people whom organize and do work upon the system because he knows their order will not last, but he doesn't say why natural order is better. For is there not something positive to the ant that comes from constructing an ant hill? Or is the Ant merely a sentient being not concerned enough with its self cultivation. I'm not so sure. Zhuangzi reminded me of Martin Heidegger who labeled human beings Da-sein, or that which is concerned with its being. In his later years Heidegger became obsessed with poetry and prose much like Zhuangzi. To me it seems both men struggled within in the confines of logical language. They turned to artistic language to illustrate concepts which were seemingly indescribable. In the end, I think Zhuangzi was an enlightened soul....relatively.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
A good thing
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Whew back to reality....sort of
This month i'm going to try to be stingy. It was B. Laub's bday yesterday and the night was spent dining and "rolling deep" to the bars. Clarendon where I managed to only spend like 45 (sigh when did that become good for me?!) on bar related stuffs. Got to meet a bunch of cool guys and girls that I'd only heard stories about. They lived up to expectation and were quite cool. Shot some pool, threw some darts, and watched Harvard steve get heckled by some donk jocks at the punching bag machine at the bar. In all fairness, there was an gorgeous indian girl that just beat the tar out of the punching bag scoring in the high 700's on whatever silly scale they use. Steve then punched a score slightly lower, prolly a mishit, but regardless quite the shocker moreso by the girl than steve.
Anywayz, happy bday to all those involved, my grandmother included! Bonne Chance!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
In response to whether or not she was too young... After 12 its lunch
Drug bucket - any random stash of waded up money and pot (no i don't smoke pot mom)
F that noise - pretty self explanatory but with the added bonus of meaning for a poker player/statistician.
That pothole was so big you could see it on google earth
Do work - oldy but a goody
COMOOOON Choooop - a great name for a crab in a crab race saaay? Choop being the local bar tender
Here we don't date women, we just take turns.
Unbeknownst to me, I was some 46 yr old ladies birthday present - classic blackout story Zach told