So I've told some people my theory of the US Virgin Islands, but I think it necessary to get it onto the internet so i can claim it when someone writes it up and sells it. St. Croix is like the equatorial Alaska. It should be stated here that I have never been to Alaska, but this is how I imagine it. The world revolves around respect and booze with everyone clammering to get more of both. Today I saw a boy being beaten on the side of the road by an older larger boy. I also heard on the radio about a man who was beaten with a baseball bat, but when at trial was to affraid to testify because he didn't think the police would protect him after the trial. The perpetrator got off. I tell these stories because they are indicative of how the people here deal with conflict. They escalate to fists, bats, and guns quickly. The strange dichotemy pronounces itself in the rest of daily proceedings. There is an incredible air of politeness, a genuine friendliness towards even the strangest of strangers. Its as if a band of thieves was dropped off on an island and told to act like they were in camelot. The conversational skills of the average islander are incredible. They can talk about nothing forever, and spout off hilarious one liners or detailed stories down to the most minute detail. I will attempt to recreate one of these stories in a later post about Ricky tiki tambo rambo... the grey mongoose with an attitude that Zach (one of Mark's old school friends) told at dinner the other night. Oh yes, and speaking of dinner 170 dollars later this is what happened.
Not pictured here are the chicken marsala, cheese platter from heaven, and mahi mahi etc. etc.
simply exsquisite.
Today we went to the beach where co
lumbus landed and I saw another one of my future houses. The houses will get an entry all their own as I have quite a number of houses I will be purchasing some day in the not to distant future!
Now this little gem of an idea on your left is called a crab race. Step one buy and name a hermit crab...the more rambunctious the better, as they say its all about attitude and size doesn't matter. A mantra I live by...jk. Anyhows, no stomping no pointing at crabs and absolutely no stomping on crabs (yes, it happens...story to tell here as well...)
GG life
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