Monday, April 6, 2009

The weekend

Okay, so this weekend lets seeeee what did I do. Firstly there was Friday. On Friday, Dan and peacock took a "personal day" to work from home or in dan's case not work at all. So Friday was a good ole fashion day of rest. Thursday was a friggin wet hot mess as we went to car pool to get the run bad demons off my back and meet up with some of B Laub's coworkers. So here are the stories from the weekend:

Friday: Trevor, the professional bowler

So around 12:35am we stumble in from Carpool to find Dan drunk on the couch. We fire up a game of Wii tennis or something and the smack talk begins. Somewhere along the way, Dan decides to challenge my bowling prowess (real bowling not wii bowling). He decides to wager 250 dollars that he can bowl a better cumulative 3 game score than I can. Drunk Trevor quickly accepts because a.) drunk Trevor is FOS and will legit think he's the best at everything. and b.) drunk Trevor remembers Dan bowling in the 80s the last time they all went. Either way, the bet was set for later that day (3pm ish).

3PM rolls around, we've had I <3 class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_13">thai, and watched a little bit of HBO. Then it hits Dan and I, the bowling urge. We drag Peacock along to moderate the bet. The first two games I absolutely destroyed Dan (no offense Dan, I just dunno where u were). I was up by 80 pins headed into the last game and decided to offer Dan a "best ball" sort of situation using peacock's now vacant frames. He quickly accepted and ended up bowling like a 130something to my 125. Ship the Cheddar my way Dannyboy. NOT SO FAST! Double or nothing!....sober Trevor considered his options, he hearkened back to his 3rd grade spelling test, the last one of the year and his incredible 19 test streak of spelling all the words correctly (wouldn't know it by the looks of this blog). He remembered how on that 20th test he spelled everything correctly....except for his name. Sober Trevor remembered the state tennis tournament, where he choked in straight sets to some kid who just got to every ball and put up sitting ducks the whole time. He'd never been clutch in anything but soccer.... he shook all that off and accepted the challenge.

The next part will only be pertinent to those of you who've seen rounders. Ya know that scene just after Mike has taken all KGB's money the first time, and they flash forward in the second match...and KGB says the line, "you myust be kyickying yourself myike. You shyould hyave quyit whyen you were achhhead!" Well that's how my 4th game started! Dan got what we here in Beer fest land call the "eye of the Jew". He started of strike strike spare. My arm was a virtual noodle, and I started off 5 89. On a side note, WOW I'm sore from bowling, that is quite sad! So the stage was set for one of the greatest comebacks of all time. The next five frames looked like the sign on a sex shop. X X X X X it was beautiful, and I don't know where it came from. I was truly in the zone, see previous posts about Rafa and Fed. By the end of this epic game, both Dan and I had bowled the highest scores in our lives, with me besting him 186 to 174. It was a pretty sweet moment worth 400 dollars (why am I such a degen sigh).

Saturday: trip to Freddyburg.

So to celebrate a great lil 1k day streak in March, I agreed to make a trip down to Freddytown to visit Diana and get some great food. It was a trip that almost wasn't because my car decided to die again and fortunately Sam jumped me for the 3rd straight time I've wanted to use that car (Great success!). At the Point B end of my Iphone's google map stood a beautiful 2 bedroom farmhouse complete with cows, a pasture, and the fluffiest cat I'd ever seen. Diana truly is living the life in her Grandmother's house (sans Gma). So I get the tour and we then make way for "La petite Auberge" or the lil inn, a delicious French restaurant. I got the Sirloin Bearnaise, cooked pretty darn rare. It was deeelish.

We then headed home and watched breakfast at Tiffany's, that Audrey Hepburn is HAWT! The movie was solid for an old movie, I generally detest old flicks as they just don't relate to me all that well. This one had a skank for a lead though with more family issues than the Osbournes, so it was all fairly amusing.

Sunday: Caps game and Poker.
So Sunday rolls around, and I roll into DC in time to get some lunch with the crew and surmise that it is nearly impossible to tell the founding fathers apart. The only discernible ones are George Washington and TJ. Gobbled up some I <3> and made our way back home. Dan snagged some tix to a Caps game, so we hit the metro around 3 (SO PACKED)! The game was awesome, and the people behind us actually won a "shirt off our back" prize and snagged a game jersey at the conclusion of the 6-4 victory. It was fan appreciation day, and it feels like everyone in the stadium won something. We picked up some sweet caps towels. I won all 3 prop bets -- a whopping 2 dollars each -- and shipped 3 beers in the process. All in all it was a great game with lots of high fiving and craziness. As for poker, I came home and passed out for 3 hours. I'd won 500 in the morning in about 5 minutes of play, and came back only to lose 700 in about 4 hours of play....sigh whatever, I was getting truly atrocious set-ups and hopefully i can remedy all this junk today. QQ to AA aipf was retardedly common yesterday, 3 times all for stacks, but w/e.

That's all for now, but to everyone involved in a truly classic DC weekend thanks :)

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